April 30, 2012

Interstate Park

ferns in a pothole
a pothole we could walk down into
Looking out of the pothole

Looking up the St. Croix

Super simple marinade

Ok... you ready?

Onion soup mix
Dijon mustard
Olive oil

Onion soup mix
Dijon mustard
Maple syrup

Goes with pork and chicken....

Monkey see...tally me banana

We visited Como Park and Conservatory ... again.  We love this place!  It was a wonderfully rainy day, however, not much to do outside.  So, we went to the most summery place we could think of.... The tropical gardens!  The bananas were in season in two of the gardens... Tropical and the North Garden.  As we were walking into the North Garden, we heard a soft squishy "plop" and saw three very ripe bananas on the ground. There was a  couple with a stroller in that area and found that the bananas had landed on them.  They were looking at the fruit as if it was bird poop.  My little bear saw the bananas and knew right what to do....

The couple watched him eat it like he was eating a leftover piece of gum he found under a desk.  It was so banana-y and SWEET!  Why would you hesitate to eat something you KNEW for a FACT where it came from and how it was grown.. and you wouldn't hesitate to buy it from a store where you KNOW for a FACT it was picked green, handled by dozens of people and traveled in who knows what.   

This was cause for more ammo on my part to have a green house installed on the south side of my house.. only...the dimensions just got bigger...

April 26, 2012

Grilled orange zest pork loin

I wish I had a picture of this pork loin.. it looked so good.  But when you have 5 very hungry people, food doesn't last long in this house.

1/4 c. brown sugar
1 T season salt
1 T onion powder
1/2 t ground cloves
2 T orange zest
1/2 t black pepper
1/2 t garlic or 1 clove crushed

Mix all together and pat over a 1 1/2 lb pork loin with fat cut off.   Leave pork loin out with rub on counter for 1 hour or leave in fridge overnight.  Make sure, like beef, before the loin is cooked, to let it sit out to take the chill off.  I'm sure Alton Brown knows the reason for this... I just found it makes the final product oh, so yummy.

Place on grill on med high for 15 minutes to get a crust.  Then lower heat to med low and cook until internal temp reads 165.  Our family doesn't like the meat so juicy, so I cook until 175-180.  Remove from grill and let sit for 15 minutes. Slice and serve.

 Orange juice and honey
... yup, that's it.  I'm sure you can add balsamic vinegar or mustard... just try a little in a separate bowl and see what you like.

- baby carrots, red onions quartered and olive oil.  Place all on foil with sea salt and grill until pork is finished.

- sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and olive oil.  See above.

- Grilled brushetta, cream cheese, and whatever toppings you may think of... mmmm, like bacon!

Enjoy with a little mead wine or a rum and coke.

April 25, 2012

Oh where, Oh where has my little droid gone?

I've a tracking number and no company to go with the number.  Good solution is to call up the airlines in order to solve the mystery.  It's a game I play with myself.  Why would you solve a mystery when the discovery is part of the surprise?   It's my own fault I'm in the dark most of the time.

Little story... behind all this... Went on a trip, lost my phone... no... FORGOT my phone in a bathroom and only remembered it after several minutes in the Atlanta airport.  If you've ever been the that particular airport, THERE IS NO BACKTRACKING.  You go with the flow.

So with a little faith my phone will find it's way home.   In the meantime, I am finding myself back in the 90s with no immediate communication on myself 16/7.

A little dis-concerning and unsettling even.

April 18, 2012

Doing the full circle creates holes in your socks

We came to live in Minnesota 8 1/2 years ago.  I took my daughter who was 1 at the time explored where we settled and discovered many wonderful places.  One of those wonderful places was a YMCA, library, indoor park and play area all in one.  We didn't have much money at the time and not knowing the protocol of play etiquette, we walked around the park and read books in the museum of the library.  And we were just fine.

Now, with play etiquette under my belt with a couple of self-written rules later, I visited that same place and my little Mowgli had a blast with a couple of neighborhood friends.  I am still learning about the place... 

1. Bring stretch pants and not jeans. 

2. you are immediately "in" with the kids playing on the structure, especially if you make it to the top and go
   down the stone slide.

3.  Do not assume the littlest girl cannot make it to the top while the older boys play down in the "safe" zone.

4.  DO NOT race children down the treehouse.  You will not win.  You will get a wrenched knee and bruise
     your shinbone... again.

5. Old socks, even the ones thinking about retiring will not make it.

April 16, 2012

If you only knew what I was thinking....

Romans 3:20-24

New International Version (NIV)
20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.
Righteousness Through Faith
 21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in[a] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

A discussion http://gnli.christianpost.com/video/homosexual-forgiveness-michael-brown-3469 came to my attention regarding the attention and attitude of the church toward homosexuals.  

God doesn't look at each person as a stereotype as we do.   Each sin wreaks havoc on others, such as greed, lust, adultery, gossip, judging... We all do wrong in God's eyes.  We are each held to a standard by the people around us.  We are to lift each other up in love.  We need  share in our wrongs and help each other become better people by letting God speak through us.  

Galatians 6

Doing Good to All
 1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

In one year I went through emotional abuse, a death, change of job, change of home, and pregnancy.  I went to a pastor and asked if I could unload and ask for help.  Through the whole discussion (if it could be labeled as that) the pastor only asked, "... and how did that make you feel?"  Just like people, pastors can be insensitive and judgmental.  However, a church is made up of more than just the pastor.  Two people can continue the life of a church because of their faith.  They understand wholly, they have no use on this earth unless Christ shines through them.  That light shines to others and unless others open themselves to this light, they have no use on this earth. 

Galatians 5:13-15

New International Version (NIV)
Life by the Spirit
 13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

April 11, 2012

Pear tree in front of my deck... had my camera on hand for once!

Moon rising

Along Hwy 61 north of Duluth

Our favorite local state park

Interesting rocks along Lake Superior... one we COULDN'T take home.

what to do, how to choose...

A simple decision... throw it all away.  

A value pack with 50 coupons, Discover pre-approved credit card with a 10,000 limit, and a World Vision plea asking for $33.00 to help buy shoes for children.  I was going to throw it all away until I stopped and put everything in perspective...

There is a company who wants me to spend their money and 50 businesses who want me to spend it all on them.   And then there are children who can't even buy their own shoes...  

Forgive me Father when I have complained about the color of my carpet, about not finding what I'm hungry for while looking in a full refrigerator, and complaining I have nothing to wear.  Thank you for ALL the blessings you have bestowed on me.  I praise your name forever and ever.  Amen

April 05, 2012

Galatians 4: 6-7   Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Sons into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out "Abba, Father".  So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

I have asked my Dad for everything under the sun.  Most of my requests were answered with a gentle, "Think about what you just asked for."   Yeah, maybe ballet lessons on a 40 head dairy farmers salary wasn't something my parents could do.  But I really, REALLY thought that owning a horse wasn't far fetched.  I learned 5 years and 62 bleating sheep later, my Dad had a really good idea what his head in the clouds daughter could handle.  

I need to remember that now as situations arise when there is something I really, REALLY WANT, I need to quiet myself and listen to the wisdom of my Father.  I am his heir and knowing that, he will guide me, discipline me, and reward me with what will make me a light to the world.   

Glory to God now and forever

We make the choice to be a slave to the world or a servant to all.

April 04, 2012

How do you take a 3 foot tall hulk seriously?

So thanks to my Mountain Man, my two boys know all the Marvel Comic Book superheros.

Yesterday, my youngest and I went shopping for Easter dresses for my oldest daughter and myself.  Since he has to come with me wherever I go, we share shopping experiences.

 Let me say first, I   LOVE  Goodwill and any other thrift stores.  They are perfect for my 3 children who grow 1-2 inches in 6 months to a year.

Anyways..so, while shopping, I pull the Mom card and declare "it's my turn" at looking at "girly" stuff.  Meanwhile he pokes his head out from underneath racks of clothes after hiding to see whether I'm watching him.  This game has been recently crushed after startling an older lady by mistaking her dress for the rack of clothes.... whoops.

Then it's his turn and we head for the toys isle.  This isle, I have to admit, is a treasure chest.  You find an occasional find, but otherwise it's settling for a "new" used toy.  For my Mowgli, this is just fine.

However, this last visit, WE SCORED!!  We found the right hand from a pair of Hulk foam hands.  If you could get to know my little Mowgli, it pretty much sums up his personality.  He was punching trees, the ground, and walls.  It came in handy after a disagreement over the swing, but that was nixed and he was given his last warning.

Some kids have teddy bears or woobies or pillows they cuddle with to go to sleep, he's got his Hulk hand. We just have to take the batteries out every night...I can sleep through thunderstorms; however, last night,  I had dreams of a green monster breaking walls above me and growling out "HULK SMASH PUNY HUMAN!!"

April 03, 2012

My start

This is my Dad.   WAS my Dad.  

When I think of him now,  I remember an 1976 Olive green Ford that smelled like corn dust and old oil.  I remember butter pecan ice cream at night.  I remember softball in the fields.  I remember his "presence".  What you saw was nothing compared to what was hidden in that smile, or hug, or "What you thinkin' about?"  All I needed some days was an arm over my shoulder.  That arm could have stopped armegeddon.  To me it symbolized protection, deeper love I could ever imagine, and a stronghold from which I could leap from.

He died from a massive heart attack when I needed him most, or thought I did.  I found out my wings could hold me.  I've smashed into trees, flew too high and lost my breath, and flew into places I didn't know how to get out of.  However, through all, I've stayed in the air.