July 23, 2012

Fishing hooks and bikini lines

We have camping down to a science.  Well, other than organizing our meals to the day in individual packs, we got it.  Basically setting up in 1.5 hours, sleeping through the chorus of crows, fishing in the morning from 6:30 (if you can't sleep past the crows) until 8 and then 5 until 7:30 at night, sunbathing/swimming/applying sunscreen/hydrating, and then drinking/letting loose-r at night just enough to not ruin the next day.

A instructor was invited to the campsite to teach about paddleboarding.
I was going to buy a kayak,
I 'm not sure about that anymore... kinda liking the paddleboard better....Kya LOVED IT!

"Blue skies, nothing but blue skies, do I see...."

I love my sister... after 2 weeks on the road all the way to CA and back... one week later, she decides to jump in her car with the kids and head our way to stay overnight... just to be with me... I mean us. 

Beach umbrellas rock... water toys are pretty much useless when there
are fish to watch, feed and scare away.

Listening intently to a Cooper story

A Generation span

First day we got there... waiting patiently to swim...

....and fish
My Mom came with my sister and was able to kayak for the first time.

Watching the fish swim underneath

Marissa got a fever the morning and she was afraid she couldn't go... Jen couldn't do that to her.  We were all happy she could come... 

1st picture with the cousins .....

....last picture.

The adults took turns teaching cannon balls and diving.

I think that was the can opener

(In a child's, "I'm a man" voice...)  "Look Mom, my BIG muscles."

After seeing a 50 inch muskie swim past you and  almost catching a 30 inch  bass...
It's  okay to us adults.
To a child... every fish is a LUNKER!

"Kya! Did you see how BIG that thing is!  Kya did ya?"

Not liking the initial killing... knife through the head part.  By the way.. that's Ethan's morning
face, not being able to wake up slowly...not that he's feelin' a little sick from what's going on behind him... or is he?

Daddy Loon... the kids love catching fish and using them like grenades.  Once the fish hit the water, it stuns them a little.  The loons caught onto that and the kids were able to feed them about 8 until the campsite owner  came by while cleaning and did her usual buzz kill.  She was right... but by that time, she was just plain getting on our last nerves.

Loons usually hatch 2 eggs... the other egg was eaten by a muskrat... so the old-timers say.

Learning to fish...

Youngest and Oldest