April 03, 2010

too big for your britches...

Thing 2 was trying to stretch his wings at age 5 and testing the waters....

"Mom, when I'm 19, and I'm taller than you, I'm going to be the boss of you."
( this is coming from a 5 yr old BOY... who just told me 2 days ago, TWICE, that I'm beautiful.)  Just giving you the context of where this is coming from.

"Baby, even if you were 7 feet tall. I'd still be the boss of YOU."

Thing 2: "But, I'd be taller than you and bigger!"

"Baby, even if you were Dad's size, 7 and a half feet tall, AND the president of the United States, I'd still be the boss of you."    (At that moment, I needed to go to the kitchen to grab more milk)  

I heard as I was walking away...*sigh* "Boy, I didn't see that one coming."

I'll remember that when I think I can plan and handle my day without any help.