April 25, 2010

Riddle me this?

Mountain Man and I are looking for a more kid friendly vehicle.  The one we have was bought for delivering exercise equipment only.  I'm using it because the day after we got it... the gas prices went through the roof. 

The two good things about it is you feel like you can run over B52 bomber and it's red.  
That's it.

Bad Gas guzzler, and you can watch how fast it guzzles too!  In pretty green florescent digital numbers!

A Kid Torture Chamber with Thing 3 being the torturer.  He's still pretty flexible so he does the splits and gets both Thing 1 and Thing 2 with a "WhupaH!!"  I get to hear the "MOOOOOOoooooOOOOMM!!"  He loves his shit-kickers, so on colder days I put Thing 1 in the front seat with the seat waaaaaay back.  She loves it.  Thing 2 still is in the back seat, but now he's the police.  "Mom!  He's throwing something out the window!"   "Mom, he's taking his shoes off!"  "Mom, he's throwing his shoes out the window!"  "Mom, he's doing SOMETHING!"   


Bad thing is I can't get the new beautiful kid friendly vehicle until next tax season because... IT'S SO NICE NOT HAVING CAR PAYMENTS!!!

Life is such a riddle  or  lesson in patience.   I may just become the runner up for the Mother Theresa award.

April 24, 2010

yes... but....

So... one of my best friends live in Kazakhstan, my other best friend recently went to Aruba, my mother-in-law spent a month in Florida, my sister-in-law saw New Mexico, Mountain Man's best friend is in Florida and I'M THE ONE STUCK WITH TRAVELER'S SICKNESS!! 


The good news is I am fitting into a cute little red t-shirt that I didn't think I was going to ever fit into.  

Would I rather be 15 lbs overweight and in a small villa south of France?  or would I rather be here sucking down yogurt and gallon jugs of water, 15 lbs skinnier?   

April 21, 2010

Ever had one of those days where you just want to stick your tongue out at the world, wrap up in a soft white, knitted blanket and stare out into space for the whole day?

Yeah, me too.

But I only get an hour into it after the kids have gone down for their naps

and then the phone rings, 
or the dog starts barking 
or I have to go to the bathroom.

Oh well, at least that hour told me there was more than just that cloud in the sky. 

Hello life.  Whatcha got for me today.

April 18, 2010

como park

Out of all the beautiful flowers, palms, ferns and tropical plants and fish... this magnificent creature was the best.  

A woman walked past me looking at him and said to her partner, "Let's go, this is depressing."  

Yes, but you are still walking past looking at him.  What were you expecting?  Como park takes only donations.  Enough said.
learn about the Minneapolis Como Zoo

April 11, 2010

Well now, upon a time...

After scouring the internet for down-loadable children audio books, 
I came upon this little doozy.  
My mom used to tell us these stories verbatim, 
voice inflection, accents and everything.  

Now I can pass down these priceless works of art to Thing 1 
to make her forget the awful dreams... 
which have helped by the way.  

My brave little one. 

April 07, 2010

See what????

Thing 3 was looking at something across the water.  He loves anything with a motor.  First he was looking for the plane.  

 Then he was looking for a boat... We didn't know it would be a car.

ah..... pleasures!

It's like I've been camping for the last 4 years...

We just installed a new water heater and brought the water pipes up to code.  (I don't think a rubber hose connected to the old water heater was good.)

Yesterday we were all able to take showers, run the dishwasher and I didn't have to choose which one of three light and white loads I was going run with warm water.  I could do all three!!  ... and then finish the dirty pans with hot... really hot water!!!  The plummer guys even fixed the toilet, my kitchen faucet and shined up my copper wind chime!!  And I couldn't even give them any baked goods!

Little by little, this house is starting to shine.

April 06, 2010

Rock a by baby....

Thing 1 came to bed last night and bumped Mountain Man out onto the couch.  Good thing he did because she had a HORRIFIC nightmare that she could not get out of her head.  

So I got the MP3 player with a bunch of downloaded Hans Christian Anderson stories and she listened to not one, but THREE of them.  

She's been doing so GOOD with not having nightmares or dealing with them.  I want to WRING the neck of the thing that is doing this to her.  VAMPIRES for pete's sake!  Where the heck did she find out about VAMPIRES!!!   She says school. 

That's ok.  I learned a lot of things that wasn't in the standardized curriculum.  She will also learn she has the ability to find the truth.  It may not be from me, or her dad or the teachers at her school or college.  

But like me, she WILL find the truth and she will swim in it and grow and develop and when she's 35, she will have a child like herself that she will comfort and download Hans Christian Andersen or Runyard Kipling or A.A Milne stories which her child will listen to and be comforted by.

April 03, 2010

too big for your britches...

Thing 2 was trying to stretch his wings at age 5 and testing the waters....

"Mom, when I'm 19, and I'm taller than you, I'm going to be the boss of you."
( this is coming from a 5 yr old BOY... who just told me 2 days ago, TWICE, that I'm beautiful.)  Just giving you the context of where this is coming from.

"Baby, even if you were 7 feet tall. I'd still be the boss of YOU."

Thing 2: "But, I'd be taller than you and bigger!"

"Baby, even if you were Dad's size, 7 and a half feet tall, AND the president of the United States, I'd still be the boss of you."    (At that moment, I needed to go to the kitchen to grab more milk)  

I heard as I was walking away...*sigh* "Boy, I didn't see that one coming."

I'll remember that when I think I can plan and handle my day without any help.

Have a Happy Easter!!!


Michael Card's "God's Own Fool" 

Seems I've imagined Him all of my life
As the wisest of all of mankind
But if God's Holy wisdom is foolish to men
He must have seemed out of His mind

For even His family said He was mad
And the priests said a demon's to blame
But God in the form of this angry young man
Could not have seemed perfectly sane

When we in our foolishness thought we were wise
He played the fool and He opened our eyes
When we in our weakness believed we were strong
He became helpless to show we were wrong
And so we follow God's own fool
For only the foolish can tell-
Believe the unbelievable
And come be a fool as well

So come lose your life for a carpenter's son
For a madman who died for a dream
And you'll have the faith His first followers had
And you'll feel the weight of the beam
So surrender the hunger to say you must know
Have the courage to say I believe
For the power of paradox opens your eyes
And blinds those who say they can see


So we follow God's own Fool
For only the foolish can tell
Believe the unbelievable,
And come be a fool as well

April 02, 2010

the light bulb flickers...

While I was waiting in the wings with Thing 3 at church because he thinks he can sing and talk all the time, I was making up my own sermon.  

It was Maunday Thursday and the pastor was talking about the Last Supper and how it was supposed to be a festive time.. a celebration from slavery.  I could recite the story verbatim, however, that's how close it has always come... a good story.  

Here's mine:
What if George Washington is still living or Thomas Jefferson; depending on who you believe was most influential in the making of the U.S.A.  They've been close family friends for as long as you've lived.  Helping others remain free and living well.
On the 4th of July, you decide to invite them for a picnic.  At this picnic, they tell you they will die the next day.  Not only will they die, but they will by the hand of one of the family members. 

That's as far as I got.... Thing 3 started writing on me.  Then another thought struck me... why aren't more moms Christians?  Talk about a connection with Christ... loving your children no matter what because they are yours.  Constantly helping them instructing, and disciplining them because you only want what is the best for them.