July 05, 2008

Change of Life

OK.... so I haven't written because I now have chaos in my house. No. Not really. People who have 2.5 kids or less just think that. I'll let them think that. Then next time they see me looking all Mrs. Beaver and stuff and my kids are saying "thank you" and "please pass the broccoli and peas" and "my, doesn't your house look like my mom's", they'll think I'm mom of the year.
Yep that's me. I'm not going to lie. I have had my times of being indisposed while my 2 month old has just started crying after I sternly told him to wait to be fed. While my 3 year old SON is dumping everything out of the toy drawers because he can't find his Buzzlight year costume or one of his many cars. AND while my daughter is asking me to take her to the beach because we NEVER EVER take her there and she has NEVER BEEN TO THE BEACH, EVER and SHE'LL JUST DIE OF HEAT IF I DON'T TAKE HER TO THE BEACH THAT SHE'S NEVER BEEN TO (just 2 days ago) That, I have found to be an exercise of will, strength, deep breathing and a countdown to my first alchoholic drink.
My life is ever changing and I love it.