October 03, 2006

Clean up..

I am happy to say our water is now drinkable. I didn't realize it was so bad. I have gotten back the true colour of my hair and I do not have the intense desire to nap every afternoon. Drinking pure water has also given me some thought to all the workouts I have done inside on the elliptical and gym. I have gotten to the point that I feel like a gerbil on it's wheel. You get a great workout, but there are no beaches to conquer, no lazy back roads to explore or no recycled tire olympic track to pound and become victorious. I still will always have the extra 10 lb baggage hanging despretely to my frame because of the banana chocolate chip muffins my alter ego forces me to make. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion, in 10 years, I will train for a marathon and come in the first 10... 20, well, at least the first 35. I just hope there aren't 50 runners in the race. I will, however, have a great coach by my side because with her pink super incredible racing shoes, it will be hard to keep up.