September 17, 2013

Run the Race - Part Two

After watching His runners flounder time and time again, waiting for them to ask for His help, God stepped in and gave them MORE rules for a smoother run.

Firstly, He gives them rules on how to remember that He created the course, therefore, thank Him for it and how to thank Him for it.  Also some of the runners were getting all high and mighty that they could run faster and better than anyone else, so God made them priests so they would be in charge of praising and thanking God for their abilities and for all of God's creation.  And when the runners didn't follow the course, or use their rest areas for what it was meant for, or pushing another runner off the course, or other serious grievances, they were given more miles to run that day in order to make up for their errors.   The rules also listed foods to eat to be prepared to run and to enhance endurance and clothes to wear to cut down on friction and promote modesty.

Secondly, God gave them civil rules to preserve the unity of running.  To make running with one another to be helpful and not show off since they were all running toward the same finish line.. there was no reason for the hostility.  Consequences were lain out and held by a select few.

Thirdly, the 10 Commandments.  Permanent and unchangeable moral laws.  These he gave to another select group and asked they carry them and protect them and teach them to everyone.

Even with these rules, the runners faltered again and again; thinking they were alone in the race,  thinking of their own personal gain and  thanking stones for their guidance even worshiping animals along the way.

So God sent prophets, race sub-officials, to run alongside to remind the runners about the rules.  They were also sent to give the runners HOPE that a change was going to happen.  In that, most of the rules were not going to be needed. There was going to be an UBER-runner who was going to do most of the work and all they had to do was RUN.  The runners wouldn't have to worry about how to dress, making sure what tone of voice to use when thanking God for His course and creation.  And the biggie... not having to run that extra mile because of an error.  

However, the runners had interpreted the rules so much, so when the prophets corrected them, the runners thought the prophets crazy and ran them off the road.

There were the select few who listened to God and genuinely knew He wanted them to have the best race ever so God rewarded them with children to slow them down and see again through new eyes to be reminded of God's creation.  God gave them ocean front runs, more rest stops and carefully timed bathroom breaks and every once in a while, to a particularly great runner, a golden golf cart to carry him the rest of the way to the FINISH LINE.