September 16, 2013

Run the race - Part One

I was up all night thinking about this one... not rationalizing thinking.. a developing story thinking.

It started from the Holy Spirit who doesn't think I need sleep some nights who planted running on my brain.  He then steered me toward, "How does this fit into the concept of the Bible as a whole," and then just walked off, chuckling.

OooH!  I GOT this one!! Yeah.. for 2 hours when I should be SLEEPING!  But then, of course, when else do I listen to him.

Touche, Holy Spirit, Touche.

So.. I'm going to do this in parts as I'm still thinking this through.

God creates this perfect running course, jam-packed full of wondrous sights, mountains, rivers, animals, running on the beach by an ocean, sunsets, sunrises, with floating Gatorade/Water/Fruit stands, angels cheering on every step of the way.  Supplied with bathroom breaks right when you need them and when you just can't anymore, a shiny new golden golf cart to carry you to the next rest station or to the Finish Line to collect your PRIZE, the reason for the race.

This prize is.. you guessed it, EVERLASTING LIFE like you've never had it before.  Even better than this paradise!  The only rule is... Don't eat the Fruit at Mile marker 50, there are TONS of other fruit, DON'T eat the Fruit at Mile marker 50!

We all know how that went.

So 'POOF'.. in a second, gravity takes over and Eve needs to wear a sports bra and cotton briefs and Adam needs to sling his junk up.  Oh, and now here's a map with stationary diluted Gatorade/city water/non-local fruit stands, no one cheering every step of the way.  Bathroom breaks are farther apart and they will have to remember which leaf to use....

and your course... its thataway, see that desert?  Yep, no more oceanfront beach runs for them anymore.  Here are the Last Chance rules, follow them.

They take off and have two babies.  Cain and Able.  Cain can't stand how Able is all happy and singing about how he LOOOOVES to run and dedicates every 3rd mile to God because he's ECSTATIC he's able to run and the course is ABSOLUTELY the BEST course EVER!  At the pinnacle of Cain's irritation, he pushes Able over a ledge while Able's praising God at the top of his lungs.

Later God asks Cain where Able was.... God banishes Cain from the course, setting him apart from everyone...