July 14, 2008


While my husband was working on our little bit of landscaping, he overheard 3 women walking past him, "I have 3 kids. I don't have a life." He was chuckling as he walked into the kitchen and told me what he heard. I had a good smile because as a mediocre comedian, she is right. Most women might believe that of themselves. I used to believe that. First we get periods. We didn't ask for that. Then as a result, we can get pregnant and we are expected by our partners to deter anything from happening. Then we get pregnant for 9, no almost 10 months. Again, we didn't ask for that responsibility. Then we are expected to feed and care for these things which along with the pregnancy have COMPLETELY altered our bodies into interesting forms only which certain artists think lovely. Also, didn't ask for it. Then the wrinkles in our forhead from forever frowning at whatever comes our way determined constantly by our children. No, that is not a life. Thank goodness that's not my life. Granted, I have complained many times about how I look, how I can't do most things by myself or how we don't have the finances to take trip. However, I have been given the gift of periods for the possiblities for children. I have had 3 pregnancies that have completely altered MY IDEA of a perfect body. I have been given the miracle that is called breastfeeding. I have also been given the little "lessons in life and a mirror into my soul" called my children. No. I did not ask for all this....this is not my life. I've been handed a life much better than I would have ever planned for myself. God has a way of teaching us the dynamics of life...would you rather choose a toy to play with, or be given a toy you have to buy, put together to play with it...and then find out as your putting it together, the endless possibilities of fun?

July 07, 2008

childhood smiles

We have a sidewalk that slopes down toward the river and my kids love running down it because you can run faster. With butterfly wings or a jet pack, you can FLY!! Imagine what it feels like on roller blades or a bike!
We went to one of the many St. Croix beaches, this one being just a couple miles south of us. The beach was unusually large and sandy for a west side beach. Cooper found the water to be a little cold at first but dug his little toes in the sand for a good feel

July 05, 2008

Change of Life

OK.... so I haven't written because I now have chaos in my house. No. Not really. People who have 2.5 kids or less just think that. I'll let them think that. Then next time they see me looking all Mrs. Beaver and stuff and my kids are saying "thank you" and "please pass the broccoli and peas" and "my, doesn't your house look like my mom's", they'll think I'm mom of the year.
Yep that's me. I'm not going to lie. I have had my times of being indisposed while my 2 month old has just started crying after I sternly told him to wait to be fed. While my 3 year old SON is dumping everything out of the toy drawers because he can't find his Buzzlight year costume or one of his many cars. AND while my daughter is asking me to take her to the beach because we NEVER EVER take her there and she has NEVER BEEN TO THE BEACH, EVER and SHE'LL JUST DIE OF HEAT IF I DON'T TAKE HER TO THE BEACH THAT SHE'S NEVER BEEN TO (just 2 days ago) That, I have found to be an exercise of will, strength, deep breathing and a countdown to my first alchoholic drink.
My life is ever changing and I love it.