August 10, 2006

Poop and peace

I try showing everything is peachy keen on most days to neighbors, coworkers, and friends.
I am a boring matter of fact woman
who cannot keep her hands off of her
husband because he is so damn cute.
I discipline my children more often on my "broken glass" days and love them up even more minutes after "time-out".
I learned to love my eternal friend,
confidont, and lover while separated
from my first husband.
I would rather avoid face to face conflict by swallowing my own intuitions and needs.
I am a coward.
I have endured separation, death of my father, job change, career change, divorce, 2 moves, birth of my daughter and image change all in 2 years.
I have found I am nobody but myself
and I have a purpose in life that when
I finally figure it out, I'll find myself in heaven.
I have found to work with the grasshoppers in your garden, because God has put them there for your use and enjoyment.
I have 4 best friends who have been
with me through all of this, and still love me.
All of this is called life and I did none of this alone thanks to the love of my Father in heaven and the angels here on earth, especially my husband.