August 02, 2006


Think of the last "moment" you had. You know, moments that are always remembered when it's triggered by smell, sight, etc. Mine was camping. My husband and daughter had gone down early in the morning to catch our breakfast. After a couple of hours and several cups of coffee, my son and I followed to see if they needed water or food. The morning was still very quiet with loons calling and the wind in the tops of the trees. Water was laping at the shore and docks. The air was fresh with lake water and dew from the grass. Every step I took was a meeting of the uncomplicated. And then I saw Kya and Barrett fishing. It's that thought in your mind you remember from way back while trying on your wedding dress. Or while talking to your significant other about things you'd be doing 5-10 years from now. And it's finally come to fruition, but you'd never dreamed it would be this good.