June 28, 2006

same day

I am now on my 7th month of working out and have lost 25 lbs. I started with 159 and am down to 137,8,6,7,140,137....I am a scaleaholic. I'm not as bad as I used to be, weighing in twice a day. Now, it's only once a week. I learned that from infinityfitness.com. Your body takes 4 days to go through a day of food. So what you ate and drank over the weekend, will show up thursday...However, each body is different and mine shows up in 3 days... I have also found a great diet found in the Runner's World magazine that has helped with energy and the mind numbing choices of what to eat. Infinityfitness has a great diet in which you eat 80% of your body's daily requirement of calories Monday through Friday and then Saturday and Sunday eat 120%. It works. My recommendation for EVERYONE... DO NOT try diet pills!! You will spend time earning money to pay for the pills when you could use that time to exercise. They are NOT worth it!!! If exercising and a good healthy diet doesn't work... ask your doctor.