June 17, 2009

chapter one towards my mini grape arbor

I finally have twigs from a real-honest-to-goodness grape farmer/winery. Because of my selective hearing, I can't tell you the name. 4 twigs from my Mom on my baptism birthday. I think she's the only one who celebrates baptisms anymore... I think it's pretty cool.... and that I got grapes... you know the thing about "I am the vine, you are the branches..." a very humbling verse, but also very staggering in the fact you are very much connected to the King. Anyways... so as I'm planting the branch twigs, I found I only have two of them. I found them in the bushes by the deck two days later. They are in the ICU and hopefully if I nick them, they will be green and I will plant them. I still need to find an umbrella of sorts while they "get their legs" for about 2 weeks. They look like baby cows which were just dropped, very unstable and fragile. I've been crossing my fingers hoping for some growth or a show of green or buds or something. I'm a very impatient gardener, checking on my plants everyday... it also forces me to pounce on the weeds sucking up what my plants need. Now that I think of it... am I the same way with my kids? Jumping on every bully that comes their way? Yikes!!