January 24, 2009

poverty check, please!

eternal utopia.... no, it's not going to be in the next 4 years with our new president. Actually, I am very interested in knowing what in Obama's name he's going to do. What do I expect from a president who's name is Barak Hussain Obama? Yikes. I'm still cringing. Seriously, those of you who are reading this and have supported Obama, who are happy he's our first black president and that's the only reason why...O.K. That's all I'm going to say because he is now our president and I can't do anything about it. I'm praying he will do what our country needs. That's all I expect from a president. I'm not very happy with some of the things I've heard about him... Actions speak louder than words for me and he hasn't done much. I am a republican. I grew up on a 40-head dairy farm, enough to give us clothes and food. We never expected a hand out and never wondered why we didn't have more. As I'm sitting in my small town urban house, I LONG for a farm, animals and an acre garden of my own. I feel sorry for others who don't know this life. It was all about action. If you didn't get something, it was your fault or God was letting you know who is really in charge. I have a hard time believing Democrats are Christians. The bottom line is helping others and sharing the wealth. (If I'm wrong, PLEASE correct me.. But PLEASE keep it to two sentenses) It sounds absolutely wonderful at first breath. However, if you look at it down the road, people start to depend on hand outs. Look at the animal kingdom. What is the cardinal rule at zoos and wildlife preserves? DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS Why? Bears mauling people and their backpacks. Elk stampedes. The animals become used to being fed and forget to find their own food. Or get sick from preservatives in human food. Humans are a little more intelligent than animals, but they are just as lazy. To put my belief in simple terms... to become strong, a body needs to exercise. To build muscle and bone, the muscle needs to pull at the bone and tear a little to build the muscle and strengthen the bone. I will gladly go through many pulls and tears to become the best I can be. I have said generosity is wonderful. We have been given so much. We have also given much which is paying it forward. It is given to people and has been given to us without knowledge. Therein lies the difference. I will gladly take a mediocre salary to the lottery as it will always keep my priorities in check.